Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Terrible Blogger

Okay -

I am a far cry from an exciting blogger, let alone a blogger who updates frequently...but alas, at least I am updating now, right?

A lot has happened since my last blog. Jasmine has changed from daycare to a pre-school. Yes I know she is only two, but I believe not only will they take better care of her, but she will learn many new skills she would have wait years to learn at her previous daycare. In fact, I believe they even teach sign language at her new school. Right now Jasmine is on a mini vacation at her grandparents McCormick house. I love her to pieces, but needed a little breathing room. We miss her a great deal, but she doesn't seem to be missing us too much. She is having too much fun playing with the neighbor boy (using the neighbor boy). A day or two ago they were playing and she fell, and like clock work the tears started rolling down her face. Directed by his mother, Christopher lent a helping hand and pulled her up which was followed by a thank you hug from Jasmine. Now when they play, she will purposely fall down and put her hand out waiting for him to help her up....followed by yet another thank you hug. Watch out boys (watch out mom and dad). I think we are in trouble.

In addition to changing daycare, Jasmine also turned two. Of course this happened in July, which tells how long it has been since my last post. Anyhow, we celebrated her birthday a week late as the week of her birthday we headed up to New Jersey to take part in Ken's mom's wedding, which was beautiful by the way. I have the picture to prove it, I just need to finish cleaning them up (I mean sharpen the images you perverts) and burn a disk for the family. Back to Jasmine's birthday...Ken's two youngest sister's Dana and Michelle came down with us after the wedding. A few days later Ken's grandmom, great grandmom, great aunt, and grandpop drove down. We had a blast. It was wonderful having family there and I think it was a great opportunity for Jasmine to bond with her grands and greats. I even feel I got a little closer to grandmom which really made my day. As for Jasmine's party itself, it was a blast. We had a pool party with a Super Girl theme (how cute is that). There was just the right amount of kids, plenty of food, and a great water balloon fight. It really was a fun day, made better by family and friends. Unfortunately, everything has to come to an end. Jasmine's party was over, a day or two later grandmom and pop-pop left with Michelle, grandmom P, and Aunt Dee in tow. It was sad to see them leave, but at least we had Dana. Dana stayed with us for a month and helped out by babysitting Jasmine and keeping up with the dishes. I really enjoyed her company. Of course she is a teenager, and we had our moments, but for the most part we all had a good time.

What else has happened, lets see, nothing really new for Ken and I. I am on a new project, but nothing to write home about. Ken is doing his thing at work and loving it. Oh yes, one more bit of news...we have a kitten. She was free to a loving home and boy do we love her. Her name is Mika and she is a gray tabby. I have to keep her nails clipped but other than that, she is easy to maintain. Jasmine just adores her and always wants to hold her. We have to be a little careful because Jasmine doesn't know her own strength, but for the most part she is really good with Mika and Mika has been very patient. As for Jax, our dog, he had a hard time adjusting at first, but now they play around like crazy. In fact, her joining our family has made Jax stop peeing and pooping in the house, which means now he has full rein of the downstairs (minus the carpeted rooms...just in case) while we are at work. We have been doing this for two weeks now and things are going smoothly. Keep your figures crossed.

The long weekend is just around the corner. Our vacation will consist of driving up to Virginia, spending the weekend with my parents, and then heading back home with the baby. I am packing my garden gloves in case my mom feels like working in her garden. My parents actually came down a week ago to pick up Jasmine, the first time my father has had the opportunity to drive down. While my mom was here she gave me some pointers on gardening and helped me pull some weeds. I really enjoyed it. I am not sure if I enjoyed the gardening or the fact that I got to do something special, do something my mother really enjoys. Either way I was happy.

And some really exciting news for those who enjoy cooking. Paula Dean is coming to the Raleigh area on October 17th and I plan on taking the day off to watch her live. Tickets go on sale soon and I plan on being one of the first to purchase mine. I have a feeling the tickets will go quickly so I have to get into the office early, ready to sign up. Also in October we are hoping Ken's family will be able to come down for the fair. We are looking forward to seeing them, as the next time won't be until Thanksgiving. As for Christmas, this year we are heading up to my parents house. But both are still some time away so I will leave them for my next blog, which could well be after the holidays, LOL....

Until next time - love you all!

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